The Kingdom of Aethelmearc

The Kingdom of Aethelmearc was established in the year 1997 on September 20th. The first coronation took place at the Barony of Delfwood crowning the Yngvar and Caryl. In this event, Mistress Orianna, Master Brisdan, Duncan took charge as the Baroness of court and received awards for arms. Master Robin Wallace served as Queen’s order of courtesy and formed complete majesty at this occasion.

The kingdom sits on a large plot of land with a scenic view and surroundings. All the power in the building is supplied through solar energy that was installed and is managed by Newcastle Solar Panels.

A Short History

The first event was held in this new Kingdom on September 26th to 28th 1997, Siege of Glengary II in Sylvan Glen’s Shrine. Royal progress took place on September 27th, 1997. On January 10th, 1998 it was the first Aethelmearc Kingdom Twelfth night in the Shire of Misty Highlands. The first festival celebrated in this Kingdom was the passing Ice Dragon, Barony of the Rhydderch Hael. The designation in the Kingdom as follows Barony, Canton, College, Shire, etc. The entire Kingdom splits into West Virginia, Western Pennsylvania, Central, and North-eastern Pennsylvania, Western New York, and finally Central New York. 

Aethelmearc Academy

There is an Aethelmearc Academy to educate about the Kingdom in depth. The newcomers of this Kingdom must surf the articles in this academy for a short synopsis on this Kingdom. The academy conducts roundtable meetings for the novice members to obtain a better understanding of the Kingdom. You can find an exciting event taking place often in this Kingdom to encourage the members. 

The Defence Academy includes skilled craftsman to teach the members, and share knowledge with the novice members in this academy. This academy formation began in the year 1995. In this academy, you will be able to figure out many awards, badges, etc., to honour the member’s activities. 

Sylvian Kingdom of Aethelmearc

At present, you can find the Sylvian Kingdom of Aethelmearc handling all the events. Learn more about the Kingdom through AEstel newsletters. Join the Email Groups to explore the interesting facts on this Kingdom. It is the space where the newcomers can meet people with the same hobbies and frequency. Join the right group and get engaged with the relevant events taking place during weekends. You can also find Martial group, arts and science Kingdom, the defence team where you should choose the best one which fits your needs promptly. It is high time to connect with the people traditionally and meet through events. 

To know more about the Aethelmearc Kingdom then attend a particular class ‘Schola’ event. You can find out the right space for better engagement. It is high time to extend social interaction using the Kingdom of Aethelmearc and its related activities. It is the perfect time to engage your weekend by taking part in the events and activities of this Kingdom. 

Stay connected with the local people, and discover necessary details related to the gatherings, meetings, and events. You can also subscribe to the newsletter to find accurate facts related to the Aethelmearc Kingdom’s activities. Choose the best Kingdom and explore the horizons of specific skills in depth. It is the best space to find a new you amidst the people of your interest. 

Categorized as Kingdom

Royal Majestic

Whenever one mentions Royal Majesty, the first thing that comes to mind is a title of respect used when referring to a King or Queen. His/her Royal and Imperial Majesty was the technique used by Queen and King Emperors and their companions as heads of dynasties that were concurrently Royal. This approach was used primarily by the Emperors, mostly Queens, and Kings of Monarchs and Kingdoms. 

What Does Royal Majestic Entail?

To be a Royal Majesty means to be in the trappings of power and Authority of Monarchs and Kingdoms. Many people assume that actual power comes from inside-out. Usually, they hold up that power is the potential of each individual to nurture by themselves. Real power is gradually escalated within a person by their actions, the choices they make, and the thoughts they create.

Others trust power comes from outside-in. They believe that passion is handed over to somebody by someone else. They perceive power as Authority or position, which incorporates responsibility and a belief in predominance over others.

According to the Royal Majestic, many scholars describe power differently. Power is only available to the Royal Family because it is hereditary.

What It Takes To Be A Royal Majesty

Since it is Hereditary, the successor must come from within the Royal Family to be a Royal Majesty. To be a Royal Majesty is what happens when one connects with what they do to who they are. Majestical powers are supremacy and precision, which gets robust with Authority. Having Royal power is about creating an environment that elevates an individual to engage in their self-mastery. 

That’s not to say that discipline never comes from higher authorities but empowering the Monarchs or the Kingdoms to be liable. Favour is the highest form of leadership, conflicting with what you may think about Authority. Serving others is key to stable growth, turn out nature of influence that influential people employ.

Roles And Duties Of Royal Majesty

To ascend to the Authority of Royal Majesty comes with Royal obligations as heir to the Kingdom’s seat. Over the years, these obligations have been broadening and taking shape to the well-being of the people. It requires determination and sacrifice to implement these obligations. Such responsibilities include supporting the military and aviation sectors. 

The Royal Majesty supports the education sector, especially the deprived youths in remote areas where learning institutions lack. In such cases, the Royal Majesty goes out of his way to provide private funds to build infrastructures. Mark from Bathroom Renovations Newcastle who was born in the UK, was like enough to receive a scholarship from the Royal Family. Medical services and public health care not to be left behind is one most significant contributions to the development of qualified human resource personnel.

The Royal Majesty also supports religious activities and foreign affairs to create good relations with other countries to facilitate trade. Sports, social welfare, and charitable courses also add significant impact to the Royal Majesty’s obligations. A kingdom or Monarch without water and resource development plays a significant role in ensuring the people and communities have access to water and resource developments seamlessly.

Examples Of Royal Majesties

Royal Majesty Maynard Von Dem Steine and Queen Liadain ni Deirdre Chaomhanaighl of the Aethelmearc Kingdom

Napoleon has also led as Imperial and Royal Majesty as King of Italy and Emperor of French.

King John VI of Brazil, Portugal, and Algarves had also led His Royal and Imperial Majesty when Brazil and Portugal signed the Treaty, which recognized Brazilian self-rule but gave King John VI as the official Emperor of Brazil 1826 he passed away.

Queen Victoria Her Royal Majesty of the United Kingdom ruled as Empress of India. Successors were Kings Edward VII, George V, Edward VIII, and George VI, who ruled as Kings. Nonetheless, the kingdoms never used Imperial and Royal Majesty’s, preferring the system of being termed as his or her Majesty.

Categorized as Roles

History Of Aethelmearc

The kingdom of Aethelmearc is one of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) domains, an organization focused on recreating the Pre-seventeen century community and culture. Aethelmearc was initially a principality under the East Kingdom – a kingdom under the SCA, between 1989 and 1997. Aethelmearc was officially formed and recognized as a kingdom in the year 1997.

Interesting facts attribute the Kingdom of Aethelmearc. One was how the name Aethelmearc originated and evolved into being. The other is the kingdom’s territory, which is an embodiment of some important cities in the modern-day United States. This article would talk in bits, some of these amazing facts about the modern-day kingdom of Pre-seventeen culture recreated by the Society for Creative Anachronism.

Evolution of the Principality of Aethelmearc

Aethelmearc began as a struggle to become a principality under the East Kingdom in 1975. The kingdom’s battle began with its leadership establishing newsletters to inform and raise conversations between the people. The newsletter, known as Amstel, was used to educate people about the Principality’s workings and everything required to make Aethelmearc, a principality under the East Kingdom. The conversations also dealt with how the Principality will be governed.

A significant conversation that happened was on the determination of the name of the Principality. The name Aethelmearc was not the first one that was decided on. The Principality had initially been named the Principality of the Lakes-, which was rejected because of its potential conflict with the Lake District of England. The name Aethelmearc was finally adopted in September 1989 after several backs and forth, and deliberations between the leadership of the Principality and the people. 

In 1989, a poll was conducted after the Seneschal of the East sent a petition, and the Aethelmearc was recognized and officially became a principality under the East Kingdom.

The Journey to Becoming a Kingdom

In 1993, the Principality began a movement to become a Kingdom of its own. The campaign started with just an expression of intent. However, with time, conscious steps to become a kingdom were made with the proposal of laws. A petition was put forward to the East Kingdom to express the Principality’s intent, and that birthed a poll conducted in 1996. Over 800 members of the Principality wanted the transition into a kingdom, and it became incumbent on the East Kingdom to put machinery in place to make that happen.

The kingdom’s first king and queen were elected, after a Crown Tournament was conducted in September 1997, by the East Kingdom. The first king and queen were Crown Prince Yngvar, who won the Crown tournament, with his bride, Crown Princess Caryl, as the queen. The enthronement of Crown Prince Yngvar began the Kingdom of Aethelmearc. 

After their installation, the kingdom created Peerages and made Kingdom orders of high merit, which were essential titles that shaped the kingdom’s history, governance, and nobility.

Territories and the Mode of Governance

The Kingdom of Aethelmearc is geographically situated in the United States of America. It covers the following places;

  • West Virginia
  • Western Pennsylvania
  • Central and North-Eastern Pennsylvania
  • Western New York 
  • Central New York

These five regions are divided into thirty (30) shires, cantons, and dominions. Dukes govern these shires.

The kingdom of Aethelmearc is headed by a monarch, the king, and the queen. The monarch appoints dukes to govern the shires, cantons, and dominions that fall the kingdom’s territory’s purview. The domain has about 33 officers appointed by the king. These officers are part of the decision making of the empire.

The Pennsic Treaty

An essential part of the Kingdom of Aethelmearc’s history is the Pennsic war. The war was a tradition among the SCA. During the transition of Aethelmearc into a Kingdom, there were fears that it will affect the battle. This was because; the venue (Barony-Marche of Debatable Lands, Principality of Aethelmearc, at Cooper’s Lake Campground) for the event was going to be territory under the new kingdom.

This led to the Pennsic treaty. The treaty was earmarked as part of the conditions precedent needed for the establishment of the kingdom. It allowed the war to continue as at the extended age custom without any interference in the Kingdom of Aethelmearc. 


As of 2021, the Kingdom of Aethelmearc has had forty-six (46) Kings and Queens. By the start of January 2021, the kingdom had been in existence for over 23 years. The domain has had many changes over the years, which included her participation as one of the allies of the East Kingdom in the Pennsic War. Overall, there seems to be a positive assurance that Aethelmearc would grow in territory and allies.

Barony Of St. Swithin’s Bog

The timeline has changed equally with human activities throughout the decades. The re-living action of previous historical periods like the Middle Age and Renaissance is enhanced currently by St. Swithin’s bog’s barony.

When you bring together historians and average antecedent time fans, it is fundamental for the creation to be born.

Just like the barony of St. Swithin’s bog, or also known internationally by the name Society For Creative Anachronism.

The Johnstown-based re-enactors group is an organization; specialized in the re-creation of the Middle Ages and Renaissance features from different angles.

Origin Of The Name

The bog name was after St.Swithin, who was born in Wessex, England. He later became the tutor of Ethelwulf, son of King Egbert.

St.Swithin was named bishop of Winchester in 852 during the reign of Ethelwulf. He was kindly known for being down to earth, avoiding all exhibitionism, and contributed to many charities.

The bishop got buried following his wishes in the churchyard, but his remains were moved later to Winchester Cathedral during King Edgar’s reign.

Inside The Organization

The barony started locally in 1980 and was named barony only after 1998.

However, each area design is as a particular Kingdom. St.Swithin belongs to the AEthelmaerc Kingdom. It includes West Virginia, Western Pennsylvania, and Southwest New York.

The members are from Cambria, Somerset counties, and parts from West Moreland, Bedford, Indiana counties. The barony is the newest group in this Kingdom, confirming that each local group is different.

The international non-profit organization whose members study, plan events to raise public awareness and attract people to the spirit, of the Medieval Age.

To enrol in the organization, the requirements are simple. You only need to be curious and have an attraction and love for the Middle Age and Renaissance.

Thus, the organization pulls members in; and gives them a time pass to multiple life aspects and backgrounds of the previously mentioned decade.

Each small constructive unit is known for empathy towards new participants.

The Blog’s Activities

The Ages’ diversity has made it challenging for the members to cover different areas on their way to study Medieval-Culture.

The member’s studies on an ongoing basis, making and doing various tasks including,

Clothing: The dress code back to that period differs by the social class the person belonged to. For wealthy men, hose and a pleated jacket was the stone base. They were paired with a tunic and a surcoat. As for the women, the flowing gowns were the principal. They often adorned their ‘dos with heart-shaped headdresses or Italian turbans. As for poor people, anything with rough wool or linen would do.

Headwear: Common headwear for men to wear chaperones. As for women, uncovered hair was almost as a sin, so covering it was a must agreed by the church to keep the ladies’ reverence. Back in that time, long veils were always worn no matter which social class ladies belonged to.

Cooking: The main inspiration was European by print; seeds were the elements used frequently.

Many more activities involve jewellery, woodworking, painting, and dancing.

Also, martial exploits like armoured combat, fencing, throw a weapon, and archery was involved in making them. Due to the importance of these points in the Middle Ages, each nation had to go through versus another, especially with the conflicts. Martial art roots are hard to reconstruct because of the lack of final judgment in this particular case.

The significance of martial arts remains essential even nowadays. The historical activities go back to the wars European countries have endured. The realms were under threat, so martial arts were an obligated skill.

Meetings And Practices

For external beliefs in the Middle Ages, the decade bores. That is why the bog’s make sure to maintain it alive by several meetings and practices such as:

  • Monthly Business Meetings.
  • Calligraphers/Scribal Guild.
  • Arts And Sciences Workshops.
  • Heavy Weapon Practices.
  • Fencing Practices.
  • Archery Practices.
  • Thrown Weapon Practices.

These could be extra entertainment. Discovering new territories for medieval age lovers, who wish to come back with time, live an accurate lifestyle as their ancestors lived it.

The enrollment can be done online through the organization’s official website. Old newsletters and workshops date are available, on the same site.

The historical study does not focus on the inside of cultural functions, but it also provokes the development of old history and modern one. It knows that each past event has an explicit or implicit contact with what is happening in our time.

Categorized as Barony

About Us

The new year is here, and with aspirations, we dream for even brighter future. Just over the years, we became fascinated by the idea of informing the world about the Sylvan Kingdom, well known as the Kingdom of Aethelmearc, and its annual events. 

We trust firmly that this initiative ensures a brighter tomorrow. Over the years, we nurtured a people-engaged and collaborative culture to attest to the importance of the Kingdom of Aethelmearc. Thus, powering pieces of collective and rich history for the longest time for old time participants and newbies interested in getting to know about the rich Bayeux of the Sylvan Kingdom. We should preserve our past to reflect constituents of the social, economic, political, and archeological history of the Kingdom of Aethelmearc. 

All these thanks to you who dedicated your time to come and get to know about Us. We are also grateful to the world-class team who believe in Us, partner with us and bring expertise to help achieve our Mission and Vision.


The job of archiving our history is a large one; the pieces well put together blend perfectly okay to showcase the abundance of the Kingdom. Before the founding of the Kingdom, it was a Principality of the East Kingdom between December 1989 and September 1997. 

There was a movement to become a Kingdom, which slowly began in (1993-94). As of 15th Coronet on May 26 (1996) in the Shire of Coppertree in the reign of Caryl and Yngvar II, 14th Coronets, there was suggested laws and petitions which had been prepared, and voting started on that very Memorial Day weekend 1996. 

As of late June, some 900 members of the Principality conveyed their support for a Kingdom. The move of becoming a Kingdom firmly ongoing, there was some distress in the Kingdoms of the Midrealm and the East over the destiny of the Pennsic War, which was a 25-year tradition between these two dominant kingdoms, since the site where the event held would be in the new Kingdom of Aethelmearc. 

The Kingdom of Aethelmearc comprises the modern areas of central and western New York, west and central Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. It was once the region of the west of our parent, the Kingdom of the East. The expedition of Aethelmearc to become a kingdom was set with the establishment of Marche-Debatable Lands, which originates its name from the lands in the same location during wars of England and Scotland 16th century, in September 1973. Its boundaries were roughly corresponding to modern-day Aethelmearc, not including Pennsylvania and a few in New York. It is only a portion of what was preserved, what’s waiting to be discovered, and even awaits rediscovery.


Experience the culture and magic of this historical destination by discovering the Kingdom of Aethelmearc. Every individual has a right to feel safe, secure, and have his own space. Being so is said information is power. It’s the guiding philosophy behind our work that reinforces our belief that history makes you smarter, sets you down in control, and gives you the rich data you need. We are committed to nurturing the history that guards, enable, and has a significant effect on folks, families, and societies worldwide. Aethelmearc is the best travel destination for you and your family. All are welcome to experience the rich culture and archeological history of our Kingdom.